Ask Questions

Social Media Post Shared on July 23rd, 2020.

Ask questions. Do research.

I didn’t know the answers to most of these below until I did my own research.

•Do you know what metabolic health is? Or that the standards for being metabolically healthy continues to get lowered due to declining health of the US.
•Do you know how to read the label on food & personal care products?
•Do you know the 40+ names for sugar?
•Do you know what gluten is & what it does to the body?
•Do you know what a full thyroid panel is?
•Do you know what glyphosate it is & what it does to your gut microbiome?
•Do you know what epigenetics is?
•Do you know what is hidden under the term fragrance?
•If you have a diagnosis- did your doctor discuss how toxins impact your health? Or look for underlying causes of your condition or disease? Aka find the root cause.
•Do you know that “My Plate” is not a healthy model yet is being taught to children in school?
•Do you or your doctor know the difference between folate & folic acid?
•Do you know that fluorine is a neurotoxin?
•Do you know 1 dose of an antibiotics can wipe out your good gut flora aka immune system for 6-9 months?
•Do you know that Environmental Working Group did a study on umbilical cords of newborns and found 287 toxins in them? From EWG website “Of the 287 chemicals we detected in umbilical cord blood, we know that 180 cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system.”

•Do you educate yourself on different sides of a topic despite what the public is telling you?


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