Not a One Size Fits All for Health

Social Media Post Shared on July 20, 2020.

We need to stop treating people as if one protocol or drug will solve the problem for every single human being.

There is not a one size fits all when it ⁣comes to health. Every single person has a different genetic make-up, nutritional deficiencies, underlying conditions, and past life experiences. This is called bio-individuality. ⁣We need to take each person into account & what they need.⁣

It wasn’t until I got sick that I looked into the idea that one size does not fit all. When I finally got a diagnosis- everyone told me to take antibiotics. Something in my gut didn’t sit well with the idea of doing antibiotics especially considering my Candida & leaky gut. I had them in small doses for many years because doctors didn’t know what was going on with me. Every time I had antibiotics, I would crash. So I sought out something completely unconventional and went against mainstream medicine. ⁣

When I was in school to become a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner we learned about bio-individuality. We were taught that just because a client has a label- doesn’t mean that each person that has that label, gets the same type of advice, supplements or healing protocol.⁣

There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration because some people respond to one thing & not well to another. You have to look at the whole person rather than just the treat the label. Find the root cause. ⁣

It is time that we stop trying to treat every single medical situation the same way.⁣


Into & Onto Your Body


Not all Illnesses are Visible