Want to know a secret?

Often times people are told they HAVE to get “juicings” to attend public school which is not true. Check the exemptions in your state. Minnesota currently has 3 different exemptions. Colleges & private school are different as they may not accept exemptions.

Whatever decision you choose to make- you deserve to be informed with ALL the information.

If you want more “juice” info head to my highlight bubbles called Books, podcasts or Heath Truthbombs. Or look at who I follow and start digging. My website also has a “favorites” section with documentaries & more.

For anyone who wants to debate “juicings”

-have you read multiple inserts?

-do you know what the 1986 Act is?

-have you spoken with someone who has had a reaction?

-do you know the ingredients in them & dosing that an infant gets?

-do you know who funds “juice” studies & owns stocks in them?

-when did the WHO change the definition of “herd immunity?

-what is an adjuvant?

-do you know how many doses a child in 2023 gets before age 18?

Compare that with when you were born.


Let’s call a spade is a spade. Cold & flu season is a lie.


What is a bio-resonance scan?