Hello 2018- Diagnosis

Social Media Post Shared on January 1st, 2018

H E L L O 2 0 1 8 !

I couldn’t be more ready for a new year!

As some of you know, I was diagnosed with late stage neurological Lyme disease in June. The last 6 years have been more challenging than I can even begin to explain. I wasn't living, I was merely trying to exist for a few minutes at a time. Minutes were all I could count because of the extreme pain/exhaustion and terrible cognitive impairments. My entire personality changed due to the infections in my brain. On the outside, for the most part, I looked fine ... So others didn't believe me. Doctors thought I was crazy because my blood work always came back normal indicating I was "healthy." For someone who is independent, hardworking, stubborn, and project-oriented, it was hard for me to not be able to do everything or anything I used to. Something as simple writing a to do list was overwhelming and impossible.

At the end of September, I went through natural treatment for Lyme and my 30 other coinfections (yes, 30! I’m quite the overachiever, I guess! ).

I am happy to report that at my recent follow up appointment, I have 6 infections left. My doctor said that it can take up to a year for my body to heal because I had infections in virtually every organ. We are hopeful that there won't be any permanent damage from all the infections. He compared the treatment and the process my body has to heal- to chemotherapy. The difference is, people have a greater understanding of cancer/chemo so they know it isn't a quick fix or speedy recovery — however, with Lyme disease, so many people (even doctors) don’t fully understand it.

I am not sharing this story because I want pity. I want to educate others on Lyme disease because the information presented is so inaccurate. I will continue to share my health "adventures" so others may not have to go through years of pain or lack of diagnosis. I am happy to answer any questions about treatment or diagnosis if you or someone you know is struggling.

Thank you to those of you who continually check in to see how I am doing — those little gestures mean more than you know! I appreciate your understanding that I still need continued rest even if I look fine. In order for me to do more than just my job, I have to plan for it ... Meaning I have to rest up for a few days prior to an event and then rest for a few days or a week to recover from it. Someday weekends will be for more than recovery from the work week!

So here is to 2 0 1 8 — the year of rest, healing, and new beginnings!


Just do YOU so you can live & enjoy life.