Difference Between Fitness & Health

Social Media Post Shared on September 21st, 2020.

This was my life story for years. You may look healthy & fit on the outside but that doesn’t mean you are healthy on the inside.⁣

I thought I was healthy because I was in my early 20’s & worked out 6-7 days a week. Doctors said the same thing. ⁣

Those two statements were true.⁣
1. I was young.⁣
2. I worked out.⁣

Unfortunately, doctors didn’t look much further than that. They asked basic questions about drugs & alcohol as well as checked my cholesterol. ⁣

Never once did I have a doctor ask about the foods that I ate or discuss environmental toxins. I guess eating fast food multiple times a week & starting your day with Mt. Dew at 7 am was “normal.” ⁣

No doctors ever discussed metabolic health. It wasn’t until I started reading about the drastic impact that food has on your health, that I learned what metabolic health is. ⁣

No doctor discussed adrenal fatigue or explained that working out too much can be devastating to the body. I was always told that working out 6-7 days a week & often doing 2-a-days showed hard work & dedication. #recoveringtypeA

Moral of the story- ⁣
I wish I knew that just because you work out does NOT mean you are metabolically healthy. You may look healthy on the outside but that doesn’t mean you are healthy on the inside. ⁣

•What you put INTO & ONTO your body matters and directly impacts your health whether your doctor acknowledges that or not.


Not Picky or High Maintenance


A Prescription Lasts