Not Picky or High Maintenance
Social Media Post Shared on October 24th, 2020.
If the public only know the dangers of what they are putting INTO & ONTO their bodies- the reaction would be outrage. Like the dangers of all the toxic cleaners & hand sanitizers being used right now that are killing good gut flora.
No one else has your best interests & health in mind- other than you. That means YOU will need to do the work. It is time that we stop thinking that everyone else will do the research & work for us.
Consider these things that at one point we were told weren’t harmful until more research was done. Just because we are told it isn’t harmful- doesn’t mean it isn’t or that every person reacts the same way.
•Cigarettes weren’t harmful & didn’t cause cancer according to officials. Cigarettes were even marketed to pregnant woman.
•DuPont told us dumping toxins into the water supply wasn’t harmful.
•Round-Up has been proven to cause cancer but we were told it isn’t harmful. Yet it continues to be sprayed on food we eat daily.
•Herion cough syrup
•Cocaine in Coke Cola
•DDT as pest control
Using products that are filled with toxins on a daily basis causes "bioaccumulation." That is when the toxins from food, personal care products/makeup & or cleaners build up in the body. When they build up due to exposure to toxins in everyday life, it makes it harder for your body to break them down & release them. Then if you have genetic mutations (MTHFR) like I do- your body has an even harder time detoxing.
PLEASE, pretty please research & educate yourself on what we are being told so you can make an informed decision that best fits you & your family.