Lyme Remission is Work.

Shared on social media June 2, 2019.

•You will spend more money than others can comprehend-just to survive because unreliable tests say you don’t have Lyme. Then insurance doesn’t cover treatment or methods to manage pain. ⁣⁣

•You will try things others laugh or cringe at just to have a few moments without pain.⁣⁣

•You will lose people who you thought were friends. ⁣⁣

•You will have days where you don’t think you can go on. ⁣⁣

•You will be fighting something that others can’t see from the outside & don’t try to understand. ⁣⁣

•You will fake a smile & say you are fine more days than you can count. ⁣⁣

•You will have doctors who don’t believe you. ⁣⁣

•You will lose who you once were physically, emotionally, & spiritually. ⁣⁣

•You will rely on others to do the simplistic of tasks like walk to the bathroom or shower. ⁣⁣

BUT. . . Isn’t there always a but? Sorry I had to. ⁣⁣

There isn’t a quick fix for remission. It takes time & all that you have. Sometimes years.⁣⁣

BUT I can tell you that:⁣⁣

YOU are worth getting to remission. ⁣⁣

•YOU deserve remission.⁣⁣

•YOU deserve to really live. ⁣⁣

•YOU will find out who is truly a gem & stuck by your side. Who continued to check in.⁣⁣

•YOU will have a new found appreciation for life, health & the simple things.⁣⁣

•YOU can prove doctors wrong.⁣⁣

•YOU will find a tribe of Lyme warriors who you have never met yet care for you like you have been friends for years. ⁣⁣

•YOU can raise awareness to help others in the beginning of this journey. ⁣

Send this to your tribe of Lyme warriors!



