
Shared on social media September 12th, 2019.


This is the doctor that saved my life. That may sound dramatic to some but I truly know that I would be experiencing seizures by now, have very little vision left or even worse from late stage neurological Lyme. ⁣⁣

⁣Full disclosure here, I lied to Dr. Ben’s staff when I made my 1st appointment because I thought LymeStop was a scam. At the time, no one in the online Lyme groups had ever heard of it. I found no information online. ⁣⁣

A family member who was bedridden saw him & was diagnosed with Lyme after years of misdiagnosis. She was told she got it in utero which I had never heard before. After hearing his story & the similarities of my journey, she told him about me. Dr. Ben suggested that I come in for testing because it was very likely that I had Lyme & coinfections. ⁣⁣

When I called to make an appointment I told them it was for migraines. Once they found out what city I was from, they asked if I was related to the family member who mentioned me to Dr. Ben. I lied & said I didn’t know them because I thought it was a joke or a scam. ⁣

I was so sick due to the infections in my brain that I didn’t know reality from fiction. I often heard noises or voices that were not there or thought people said things that they did not. I even saw shadows or figures that were not real so that tells you the mental state I was in. ⁣Tick-borne encephalitis in the brain does some crazy crazy things. ⁣

Dr. Ben & his staff were nothing but kind & patient with my millions of questions & skepticism! I was a legit basket case who didn’t know what was real. ⁣⁣

Dr. Ben gave me my life back which I will be forever grateful for! ⁣⁣


Twin Cities Lyme Gala


Lyme Remission is Work.