Society has conditioned people to believe that diseases are purely genetic.
Toxins matter.
Toxins accumulate.
Toxins are passed in utero.
It is important to lower load when & where you can without fixating on every single detail. That will cause stress which will impact your immune system.
Do what you can when you can! The amazing part is YOU can make choices daily to support your health. One change at a time is still a change!
You do not have to be perfect or 100% nontoxic. That isn’t realistic & is stressful. The goal is to support your body so when you are out & about it is strong enough to handle what it comes in contact with.
You do not have to settle for chronic symptoms or pain. There are root causes for each diagnosis. A bio-resonance scan is a great tool to find what stressors your body is dealing with & how best to support! No two bodies need the same support even if they have the same diagnosis.