Why I personally & clinically no longer recommend LymeStop.

I am aware this may shock/trigger some. Before commenting out of emotions, I encourage you to read the whole post.

While I am grateful for the progress that I made with LymeStop, I would not do it again or recommend it because my healing journey took longer than it needed to. Yes, I am aware that I fully recommended LymeStop for years. Then I learned more & gained clinical experience along side my personal experience. When you know better, you can do better.

It is ok to seek a second opinion even if you really like your practitioner. There might be puzzle pieces that were missed like mold/fungus was for me for years. It doesn’t make them a bad person. I’m forever grateful to Nicole Hanse for her insights & support in my healing which lead to a beautiful working partnership.

You deserve to feel well & enjoy your life so advocate & dig for answers! 💚


Society has conditioned people to believe that diseases are purely genetic.