A Diagnosis is a Label
You don’t just get a disease or chronic illness overnight. Symptoms for years leading up to a diagnosis tell a story.
Not Picky or High Maintenance
If the public only know the dangers of what they are putting INTO & ONTO their bodies- the reaction would be outrage.
Difference Between Fitness & Health
This was my life story for years. You may look healthy & fit on the outside but that doesn’t mean you are healthy on the inside.
A Prescription Lasts
Prevention is the best cure. Knowledge is the power to make informed choices. ✨🌿
Into & Onto Your Body
No one else has your best interests & health in mind- other than you. That means YOU will need to do the work. It is time that we stop thinking that everyone else will do the research & work for us.
Not a One Size Fits All for Health
We need to stop treating people as if one protocol or drug will solve the problem for every single human being.
Not all Illnesses are Visible
The world could use more compassion & education right now. 🌍 💖✨
Standard America Lifestyle
It wasn’t until I got sick that I started researching toxins. Doctors didn’t have answers for me so I took matters into my own hands.
Lyme Remission
Remission is a word that was only a dream a year ago. I was in more pain than I can begin to describe. I
Unlearning Lyme
While I was sick, I had to adjust everything in my life just to survive/function so now I have to unlearn former coping mechanisms.